AI and Particle Physics

Keywords: particle physics, (un)resolved mysteries of the universe, machine learning, artificial neural networks, soft skills in science

The popular course in particle physics returns to Discover – this time with a new twist. In addition to the basics of this most fundamental natural science – and answering what our world is made of – we will now also dive into the area of artificial neural networks. Technologies utilizing artificial intelligence, including this one, have recently achieved tremendous success, but in addition to creating digital art and facial recognition, they are also widely used in natural sciences. In this course, you will build and train a neural network algorithm that will help you discover a new elementary particle, a feat worthy of a Nobel Prize. Finally, we will focus on some key soft skills of a modern physicist – you will communicate your scientific results to the media and the general public.

— Class 1: What are the smallest building blocks of the universe?
— Class 2: Understanding and going beyond the Standard Model
— Class 3: Solving the biggest (un)resolved mysteries of the universe
— Class 4: Programme your own neural network and make a discovery
— Class 5: Communicating with journalists

Requirements: basics of high school physics and mathematics (recommended), laptop (optional), curiosity (essential)

Oliver Matonoha

Oliver, a native of Prague, traded the bustling streets of the capital for the tranquil landscapes of southern Sweden, where he earned a PhD in Particle Physics from Lund University. His scientific endeavors often take him to Geneva as well, where he collaborates with CERN near the magnificent Alps and collects data from particle collisions – which occur almost at the speed of light! Oliver’s primary scientific focus is on exploring the mysterious behavior of the interiors of protons, which he studies by analyzing billions of their collisions. Beyond physics, Oliver is fascinated by the limitless potential of deep learning in the scientific and non-profit sectors. He takes joy in sharing science through university teaching and other educational projects. Lately, he is interested in initiatives related to the democratization of knowledge and science. In his personal life, Oliver immerses himself in electronic music, skiing, writing poetry, attempting to learn more about Japandi interior design, caring for a thriving collection of over 30 plants, and experimenting with new recipes to share with friends.

Turnus E

AI and Particle Physics

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