What are Discover Meetups?

Discover Meetup is a free educational evening event. It allows high schoolers, college students and anyone else interested to non-formally engage with inspiring guests from a variety of fields. We often have lecturers involved in the Czech and Slovak sciences, business, art, or social engagement. Meetups also provide a unique opportunity to experience the spirit of Discover throughout the year. They facilitate a rewarding meeting space for the community members.

Where can I find Discover Meetups?

The public lecture and workshop series Discover Meetups is currently well-established and regularly happening in Prague. Traditionally, it takes place on the first Thursday of every month at the venue of our co-host Skaut Institute on the Old Town Square. The topic of each Meetup is officially announced on our Social media approximately two weeks in advance. As of now, the lecturing language is usually Czech or Slovak (but it is no requirement).

Discover Meetups Linktree

If you don’t want to miss out on anything, download our Meetup calendar or join the Discover Meetups Whatsapp community! It offers regular updates on all the official Discover events as well as an opportunity to proactively initiate informal get-togethers, such as a community volleyball or a hiking trip.

You can find all the relevant links here:

Be our guest lecturer!

Are you an experienced presenter with expertise in an interesting topic? Would you like to lead a lecture or a workshop at one of our events? We are always happy to start a new cooperation! PM us on Instagram @discoverakademie or write directly to our event manager, Fláv: She will be ready to discuss the details, appropriate topics, and availability.

Are Discover Meetups a good fit for my lecture?

  • Good Meetup format: It lasts 25 to 90 minutes, depending on the previous agreement. It aims to engage a 10-to 30-person audience, primarily high school and college students. We can provide you with a projector and, if needed, a flipchart.
  • Good Meetup topic: It should focus on something you have sufficient expertise in, be it from your education, profession, or a hobby/volunteering/activism. You should believe you have something valuable to tell others about it. It’s important that you feel comfortable discussing the topic in depth in front of a public audience.
  • Thematic inspiration for 2025: At the moment we’d love to welcome talks working f.ex. with the themes of:
    • empowerment or community engagement (e.g. how to start a project, initiative, startup, etc.)
    • culture (creative thinking workshops, talks with artists, creatives etc.)
    • resilience and self-development (mental health, financial literacy, navigating the job market, etc.).

Would you like to organize a Meetup in your town?

We understand that not everyone can visit Prague on Thursday evening. Although our team is currently able to regularly run centrally organized Meetups only in one city, we are eager to provide support and know-how to active community members who would like to bring a similar event format to Bratislava, Brno, or elsewhere. If you wish to become a Meetups Spin-off volunteer, feel free to write to