Embark on a unique week where you can grow, explore, and connect with like-minded peers who are striving for the same goal: to find themselves and develop in what they find meaningful.
The Discover Summer Academy is not a typical summer camp – it is a one-week summer holiday event, a self-development program, an informal summer school, and a place for discovery, growth, and learning.
Thanks to the equal relationship between students and lecturers at Discover, a strong sense of community is created. Each session is filled with respect, openness, creativity, and fun, providing an environment where everyone feels safe and can truly be themselves.
At Discover, you can choose from over 70 fields of study and explore which one interests you the most. Knowledge is shared in an interactive and informal way, and each course is led by a lecturer who is either studying or working in the given field, allowing you to ask anything you want to know.
Beyond the courses, Discover also opens up discussions on topics such as personal values, mental health, identity, relationships, and overcoming failure through various activities. The academy’s program is designed to help students discover themselves and meet like-minded peers who share the same goal – to find their path and develop in what they find meaningful.

This year, we are hosting five sessions in July and August – three in Slovakia and two in the Czech Republic. You can choose between Czech-Slovak sessions or two international sessions, which are conducted entirely in English and welcome both students and lecturers from abroad. When selecting your session, you can consider the courses offered, who teaches them, or simply when and where the session takes place. This year, we also offer a green exchange scholarship for students traveling across borders to attend a Czech-Slovak session, helping to compensate for higher travel costs.
Applications are open from February to May 15 in four rounds. The earlier you apply, the greater your chance of securing a spot in your preferred session and, most importantly, in your desired courses. The application includes one creative question, and we are also interested in learning who you are and what motivates you to join Discover. Thanks to these questions, we can select participants who will be able to actively engage in the program and get the most out of Discover.
- Early Bird: February 15 (we will let you know by March 1) – if you apply during this period, we will reduce your fee by 30€
- Strategist: March 15 (we will let you know by April 1) – if you apply during this period, we will reduce your fee by 15€
- Chiller: 15. dubna April 15 (we will let you know by May 1)
- Procrastinator: May 15 (we will let you know by June 1)
Discover is a non-profit organization run by a team of passionate volunteers, mainly students and alumni of prestigious universities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and abroad, as well as young professionals working both locally and internationally.
Most people associate Discover with the Discover Summer Academy, but thanks to a strong community that wanted to stay connected beyond the summer, Discover has expanded to include weekend events (Discover Yourself), Meetups, mentoring programs, internships, and other activities throughout the year.
The goal of Discover and the motivation behind all its community members is to ignite a love for learning in people and support their drive for personal growth, enabling them to contribute both to society and themselves.

Děkuju moc, za celý Discover! Ze začátku jsem se bála, že to bude akce jen pro geniální lidi, kteří studují pouze na Oxfordu/Cambridge/Harvardu, ale ve finále jsem byla nadšená a našla si spoustu lidí, se kterými se doufám budu vídat i nadále. A to ani nemluvě o všech těch nových informacích, názorech a obzorech, které se mi díky tomuto týdnu otevřely!
Bylo to prostě skvělé.. mám v sobě obrovskou motivaci a spousty plánů. ❤???
Na Discoveri bolo úplne super, dal mi veľmi veľa a určite pôjdem aj nabudúce 😀
Discover bol jeden z najlepších zážitkov môjho života a nedokážem si predstaviť že by som sa ho nezúčastnila, ani som nevedela o koľko prichádzam. Ďakujem
Bylo to úžasné, nikdy předtím jsem nic takového nezažil. Velice přesně se to trefovalo do mých hodnot a ideálů. Díky za motivaci do života!
Je super vidět, jak se lektorgove navzájem znají a mají rádi 🙂 dělá to skvělý základ pro nové vztahy
Chcela by som len vyjadriť vďaku za všetko úsilie celého lektorg tímu, vďaka vám si odnášame kopu skvelých zážitkov a ste všetci pre mňa neskutočne inšpiratívni ľudia
Discover mi moc pomohl otevřít oči sobě samé, získat důležité kontakty a v neposlední řadě to byl úžasný zážitek. Proto bych chtěla moc poděkovat všem organizátorům a lektorům.
We want the Discover Summer Academy to be accessible to all students, regardless of their family’s financial situation. At the academy, we create a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels comfortable and welcomed. Although we strive to keep participation fees as low as possible and organize the academy as volunteers without financial compensation, financial barriers may still prevent some students from attending Discover.
On average, students in need request financial support of 2,500 CZK. By contributing this amount, you can help provide one scholarship for a participant. However, you can also support us with any donation to our scholarship fund. You can find more details on how to support us here.