
Laura Opletalová

Laura is currently in her second year of a Master’s degree in Psychology at Charles University. Throughout her studies, she has gained valuable experience as a crisis interventionist on crisis helplines. Previously, she worked as a consultant at Linka bezpečí, where she supported children and adolescents in navigating difficult situations. Now, she focuses on assisting victims of crime and domestic violence. Passionate about psychology, Laura loves sharing her knowledge and applying it in practice. She fulfills this passion as a lecturer in prevention programs, traveling to educate the public on self-care and mental well-being. In her free time, she enjoys various crafts, including crocheting, macramé, sewing, and even welding. She also has a love for coffee, books, webcomics, cartoons, and board games, and she holds a special appreciation for beautifully designed infographics. During Discover, she also serves as a therapist.

Session D

A glimpse into the music industry

Tanya Stadnyk

AI for Fundamental Research

Oliver Matonoha

Biological Psychiatry

Aleksa Petković

Computational Neuroscience

Sára Bánovská

Discovering medical science

Václav Melenovský

Energy and society

Kristina Zindulková

From Thoreau to Tinyhouse

Petra Karlová

History from Liberty to Liberation

Emma Nabi-Bourgois

Political Economics

Jonathan Sidenros

Problems of Philosophy

Mojmir Stehlik

Quantum Computing

Honza Apolín

Society in Stories

Michal Ostrý

Systems thinking

Žofie Hobzíková

The Arab Middle East

Adéla Provazníková

The Economics of Human Behavior

Lenka Duongova

The Politics of Gender: Narratives and Resistance

Ecem Nazlı Üçok