Systems thinking
Let’s dive into critical thinking about the workings of the late capitalist world, life amidst numerous global crises, and our role within it all. We’ll discuss how to apply systems thinking, tackle the relationships between economic, democratic, and social systems through experiential workshops, and allow ourselves to imagine a better world together. Where does the role of the individual lie in the climate crisis? How can we, as a society, address growing oligarchic tendencies?
Through interactive activities and methods of radical imagination, we will dissolve notions of how the world works as we know it and dare to create the world we desire. Our common goal will be to explore societal narratives and narratives that we can collectively create and implement to achieve systemic change.

Žofie Hobzíková
Session D
A glimpse into the music industry
Tanya Stadnyk
AI for Fundamental Research
Oliver Matonoha
Biological Psychiatry
Aleksa Petković
Computational Neuroscience
Sára Bánovská
Discovering medical science
Václav Melenovský
Energy and society
Kristina Zindulková
From Thoreau to Tinyhouse
Petra Karlová
History from Liberty to Liberation
Emma Nabi-Bourgois
Political Economics
Jonathan Sidenros
Problems of Philosophy
Mojmir Stehlik
Quantum Computing
Honza Apolín
Society in Stories
Michal Ostrý
Systems thinking
Žofie Hobzíková
The Arab Middle East
Adéla Provazníková
The Economics of Human Behavior
Lenka Duongova
The Politics of Gender: Narratives and Resistance
Ecem Nazlı Üçok