Systems thinking

Let’s dive into critical thinking about the workings of the late capitalist world, life amidst numerous global crises, and our role within it all. We’ll discuss how to apply systems thinking, tackle the relationships between economic, democratic, and social systems through experiential workshops, and allow ourselves to imagine a better world together. Where does the role of the individual lie in the climate crisis? How can we, as a society, address growing oligarchic tendencies?
Through interactive activities and methods of radical imagination, we will dissolve notions of how the world works as we know it and dare to create the world we desire. Our common goal will be to explore societal narratives and narratives that we can collectively create and implement to achieve systemic change.

Žofie Hobzíková

Zofie studied biology with a focus on ecology and environmental protection in Aberdeen, Scotland. Upon returning to Prague, they joined the Extinction Rebellion movement, actively participating for a year and discovering a passion for citizens’ assemblies. In 2020, they co-founded the Platform for Citizens’ Assemblies, aiming to introduce this form of deliberative democracy to the Czech Republic. They train politicians, civil servants, and individuals working toward systemic change. They are deeply interested in exploring collective resources that empower us to confront the existential challenges that our society faces. They are also a member of the Jezevky action collective, organizing artistic interventions in public spaces. They are passionate about group dynamics and facilitating groups to realize their full potential. Zofie enjoys discussing topics related to gender and polyamory, loves wild camping, swimming in cold rivers, and practices yoga and meditation.

Session D

A glimpse into the music industry

Tanya Stadnyk

AI for Fundamental Research

Oliver Matonoha

Biological Psychiatry

Aleksa Petković

Computational Neuroscience

Sára Bánovská

Discovering medical science

Václav Melenovský

Energy and society

Kristina Zindulková

From Thoreau to Tinyhouse

Petra Karlová

History from Liberty to Liberation

Emma Nabi-Bourgois

Political Economics

Jonathan Sidenros

Problems of Philosophy

Mojmir Stehlik

Quantum Computing

Honza Apolín

Society in Stories

Michal Ostrý

Systems thinking

Žofie Hobzíková

The Arab Middle East

Adéla Provazníková

The Economics of Human Behavior

Lenka Duongova

The Politics of Gender: Narratives and Resistance

Ecem Nazlı Üçok