Black turtleneck & thick glasses club

The field of architecture has a language of its own. It is made by combining analysis, drawing, hand craft, engineering, art, physics, geography, philosophy and others. In the course of six days we will try to unravel a part of this language with one goal in mind: to better understand our surroundings.

We will learn the basics of perspective and what it can teach us about how we look at certain spaces. We will materialize the surrounding landscape in a handmade 3D model, talk about contour lines and visualisation of an abstract concept. We will talk about maps and mapmaking, its rules and possibilities. Looking at some technical drawings we will confront the need for a different-than-usual vocabulary and defining space in a 2D plane. And last but not least we will talk about architecture and learning in general. The aim is to try out different processes used in the field of architecture and translate them to skills applicable in everyday life.

Martina Kesslová

Martina is currently pursuing the field of architecture at Faculty of Arts and Architecture in Liberec (FAA TUL). During her studies she participated at the European Architecture Students Assembly (EASA) in Romania and The UK and spent a semester on Erasmus in France, which brings her joy and motivation to date. She also recently started studying geography. She is very enthusiastic about both. Her favourite pasttimes are playing the piano, sports, hiking and sometimes singing. The most probable place to find her would be a café, drawing or just contemplating everything.